This is soon going to be one our favorite fishing spots. We just have to wait for the salmon to come, figure out the license, and find the time to do drive out here and enjoy God's creation! The ducks in the water were so friendly and came within a foot or two of Rachel and I.
You might be wondering why I have my hood up. Well there is a perfectly great explanation. While visiting the beautiful Mirror Lake, we were accompanied by a flock of (or maybe just 3) aggressive seagulls. They were flying so low that I thought I was going to have to clean gull droppings off my head. We had already had one weekend full of droppings, I did not want another one!
Here are some traditional Native American burials that are in Eklutna, AK. They are in the middle of this sleepy village that has a Russian Orthodox church in the middle of it. It was very pretty and peaceful.
Thunder Falls is somewhere behind my big head. But I still think it was a good shot for Rach and I. About 3 seconds after we took this picture a large truck came flying over the bridge and scared us half to death. The bridge was a little shaky! 
The view from the top of the Hillside over looking Anchorage. I thought the sky was very pretty. This is just up the road from my house.
Hi Alli,
Looks like you are having why too much fun. Great pics.
Love you,
Aunt Leah :-)
Fun photos. I am so glad that you were wearing a hood on your second dropping adventure. Say 'hi' to Rachel from me.
Hey Alli,
Great Pics..How beautiful. Oh yeah I mean the girls in the pics too not just the landscape:) Looks like you are having a good time. Keep the updates comming. Take care and God Bless!
Heidi and the Boys
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