I have successfully survived through Midterms! Tomorrow I send home my Midterm reports, this is making me feel like a "real" teacher. I am not sure why that tiny little detail makes it feel so real. I have been busy as can be making sure life in 5th grade has been not only educational but also fun. There certainly doesn't seem to be a dull moment. I have eighteen little darlings...that definitely keep me on my toes! I have wonderful parents that are incredibly supportive.
Life here has been a little crazy, but I still found time for fun. There are two other new teachers at Anchor Lutheran this year. Michael and Lisa have been great friends and we have been able to have some fun times. We went out to a restaurant called Bernie's Bungalow, it was a fun time. Grace, one of the Preschool teachers came out too. We seem to have a great time together.

Michael and I tried the "Tower", it was a little interesting and we made a lot of friends very quickly!

Grace and Lisa enjoyed the "Tower" as well! The scary part is that we got the small tower!

Here is a picture of my first attempt at making a pie in my own kitchen. I hate to admit I burned the crust and my meringue was not the highest. It did taste a little interesting too. It was supposed to be a Key Lime and Orange Pie, but due to the lack of quality produce in Alaska and a nice cold, I accidentally bought grapefruit rather than oranges. I had already squeezed the juice into the mix before I looked at the pink color of juice. I couldn't smell at all, so that hadn't tipped me off! I plan on retrying this pie this week, maybe I will get the fruit and crust right this time.