Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Long Week!

So life has been very busy lately! Life hasn't slowed down in a few weeks, some of the events have been: I limited out on silver salmon and halibut one day, my roommate moved back to Ohio/Wisconsin for the school year, my family came to visit, I was installed as a teacher at Anchor Lutheran School, and I had my first week of school. Those are the huge events, and there have been several small but enjoyable events. I will show you some of the pictures that have been taken over the last few weeks.

First off, here is the fishing extravaganza, in Seward, AK.

Rachel and I each caught our limit of Silver Salmon (3) and Halibut (2). I also caught a Lingcod, but it was 2 inches short of being a keeper. I was a little bummed, but he was big and ugly.

Here is my second Halibut with Captain Jimmy. We had a great time with Jimmy and Jess his shipmate.